After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in business management and working nearly four years in the finance and hospitality industries, she founded the social enterprise Project We Forgot.
Project We Forgot offers a support system for young caregivers aged under 39.
Jason Foo, CEO of Alzheimer’s Disease Association commented; “Some of them [young caregivers] don’t even know what to do and they are so used to having their mum or dad taking care of them.
It has also engaged with more than 200 caregivers who have reached out to the social enterprise directly for help.
On top of building a community, Project We Forgot also conducts workshops, training and outreach programmes at schools and other organisations.
Posts published in “Awareness”
Treating Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia Without Drugs Caregiving Resource | March 07, 2018 Print this Article The evidence for potential solutions like aromatherapy and pet therapy.
Those interventions include reminiscence therapy, music and art therapy, aromatherapy and pet therapy.
New Recommendations for Dementia CareThe use of person-centered, non-drug treatments for people with dementia is one of 56 new dementia care practice recommendations issued in late January by the Alzheimer’s Association.
She said the behavioral and psychological symptoms that often accompany dementia aren’t just a product of the dementia-affected brain.
Evidence for Non-Drug TherapiesZimmerman and her colleagues examined 197 articles describing scientific evidence on non-drug practices to treat behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia.
Below is an evidence-based list of brain foods that may help pre-empt senior moments and more.
"The aging brain, particularly the areas involved in memory, is susceptible to oxidative stress and inadequate blood flow.
"There is a very solid literature, from human trials and animal models, demonstrating the importance of DHA and omega-3s to the developing brain, and the aging brain," Morris said.
In Morris' most recent study, which examined participants' autopsied brains, fish consumption was associated with less evidence of Alzheimer's disease in the brain.
In another study, caffeine appeared to reduce cognitive decline in older women without dementia when studied over a four-year period.
It's part of Kennerly's special project, the Long Goodbye.
(Photo: Britt Kennerly / FLORIDA TODAY)I snapped pictures of her as she tried out the armchair.
(Photo: Britt Kennerly / FLORIDA TODAY)So, on a day where the temperature topped 90 early, we did the town.
(Photo: Britt Kennerly / FLORIDA TODAY)She was a little intimidated as we passed through Secret Service checkpoints, but schmoozed with everyone she met.
Join FLORIDA TODAY's Britt Kennerly at an exclusive event to discuss The Long Goodbye.
CLOSE Scientist are reconsidering how they study and review the progressive mental deterioration known at Alzheimer's disease.
WochitDick and Kerry Goodson.
The Goodsons will participate in a program at noon on March 13 at Des Moines University’s Student Education Center on patient and family perspectives on Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias.
Dick Goodson could be a poster child for embracing the challenges of aging.
Before retiring seven years ago, Dick, 74, had owned a successful association management company.
I felt that, too, when I met you.” It was the last question I asked Neysa during our interview.
When assisted living regulations initially excluded her based upon certain guidelines, she persisted and reapplied.
This is her third assisted living facility in Knoxville, and was accepted as an individual who was anything but average.
They may be family or strangers, your caregivers and nurses, or a resident in assisted living.
But it seems clear to those whom she has met along the path of assisted living.