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Posts tagged as “diagnosis”

Advances in Alzheimer Diagnosis: Coming to a Lab Near You?

The findings suggest that analysis of Aβ 40 as well as Aβ 42 concentrations may provide greater sensitivity and specificity.
The researchers explained that Aβ 40 is the most abundant C-terminal Aβ-variant in CSF and correlates well with the total Aβ concentration; thus, it has the ability to serve as a surrogate-marker for total CSF Aβ.
The Aβ 42 and Aβ 40 measurements performed by the 2 laboratories showed statistically significant correlations, with R2 = 0.5078 for Aβ 42 and R2 = 0.4308 for Aβ 42/40 , respectively (P < .0001 for both parameters).
Statistically significant correlations for p-Tau and t-Tau measurements (P < .0001 for both parameters) and CSF Aβ 40 (R2 = 0.5739; P < .0001) also were seen.
Not surprisingly, though, substantial discrepancies in regard to the Aβ 42 concentrations and Aβ 42/40 ratios were noted, likely owing to use of different assay kits (IBL vs Fujirebio).