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Posts tagged as “Care”

For Your Dementia Patients: A Proposal to Customize Advance Directives

ARTICLE IN BRIEFNeurologists who specialize in end-of-life and palliative care discuss a proposal to develop an advance care directive for people with dementia.
[See “Advance Directive for Dementia” for a sample of that approach.]
HOW TO INCORPORATE INTO CAREIn interviews with Neurology Today, several independent experts in neurology and palliative care agreed with this approach, and to varying degrees, they said, they incorporate these principles into discussions with their patients.
Dr. Kluger emphasized that early and ongoing goals-of-care conversations are probably more important than “the specific piece of paper” with an advance directive for dementia.
“Every person with dementia has a different course,” he said, elaborating on its unpredictability and the difficulties of capturing all relevant scenarios in a dementia-specific advance directive.