The findings suggest that analysis of Aβ 40 as well as Aβ 42 concentrations may provide greater sensitivity and specificity.
The researchers explained that Aβ 40 is the most abundant C-terminal Aβ-variant in CSF and correlates well with the total Aβ concentration; thus, it has the ability to serve as a surrogate-marker for total CSF Aβ.
The Aβ 42 and Aβ 40 measurements performed by the 2 laboratories showed statistically significant correlations, with R2 = 0.5078 for Aβ 42 and R2 = 0.4308 for Aβ 42/40 , respectively (P < .0001 for both parameters).
Statistically significant correlations for p-Tau and t-Tau measurements (P < .0001 for both parameters) and CSF Aβ 40 (R2 = 0.5739; P < .0001) also were seen.
Not surprisingly, though, substantial discrepancies in regard to the Aβ 42 concentrations and Aβ 42/40 ratios were noted, likely owing to use of different assay kits (IBL vs Fujirebio).