"Almost from the moment Jerry Parks was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, he began changing the status quo. He was 56 at the time, and about a decade younger than all but 5 percent of those with dementia. At the adult day center he attended, Parks insisted the staff stop reading the newspaper out loud to him and others when they were perfectly capable of reading it themselves. Parks became an activist. He met with lawmakers, spoke at national gatherings of the Alzheimer’s Association and pushed for better Social Security disability benefits for people with various forms of dementia."
Posts tagged as “AD”
"A new study has found that adults 59 years and older with higher levels of frailty were more likely to have both Alzheimer’s disease-related brain changes and symptoms of dementia."
"New research from The University of Texas at Dallas suggests that periodic evaluation of changing amyloid levels in certain brain structures may offer an important clue into who may be on a trajectory toward Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Denise Park (center) and members of her lab discuss recent findings published in Neurology. Park and her colleagues found that an early relationship between amyloid, the protein buildup in the brain commonly associated with Alzheimer’s, and memory was present in adults ages 30 to 59."
"The third time may be the charm for Framingham, Mass.-based Alzheon when it comes to an initial public offering – because the company has balked the first two times it attempted to go public on the stock exchange."
"t doesn’t take a huge stretch of the mind to understand why caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease is challenging — especially when that someone is a loved one. It can be physically taxing work, particularly in later stages of the disease when the person needs more and more help with daily functioning. The disease progresses, so care strategies that may work one day may need to be re-written the next."
"Life after Alzheimer’s? Willi Brombach and wife, Stella Adams, are living proof that while there are bad days, there is also incredible joy in their world. For the Penticton couple, that means daily walks around the block, dancing up a storm Sunday nights at the Senior’s Drop In Centre and and just spending time together."
"Want to reduce your risk of dementia in older age? Move as much as you can. We've all heard about techniques to get us more physically active — take the stairs, park the car a bit further from your destination, get up and march in place for a minute or two when standing or sitting at a desk. Now a study finds even simple housework like cooking or cleaning may make a difference in brain health in our 70s and 80s."
"Throughout 2018, Alzheimer’s News Today brought you stories of important discoveries, treatment developments, clinical trials, and other events related to Alzheimer’s disease. As we look forward to providing more news to those living with Alzheimer’s as well as their family members and caregivers this year, here are the 10 most-read stories of 2018."
"When geropsychologist Benjamin Mast evaluates dementia clients at his University of Louisville research lab, there’s a question some people of faith ask him: 'What if I forget about God?' It’s a query that reflects the struggles of people facing diseases like Alzheimer’s."
"n sharp contrast to other illnesses and despite many efforts, huge expense and hundreds of clinical trials, no new treatments have been approved in the past 16 years. The emphasis has been on drugs targeting beta-amyloid proteins, which clump into plaques in the brains of afflicted people. Unfortunately, these approaches have not yet yielded the results we hoped for."