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Posts tagged as “AD”

He had power of attorney over his Alzheimer’s-afflicted mother — and stole $332,000, grand jury says | Washington Post

"For nearly four years, John Jerome O’Hara took charge of his mother’s care at a Kentucky nursing home as Alzheimer’s disease robbed her of independence. O’Hara gained power of attorney over her affairs in June 2014 and was expected to manage thousands of dollars in income a month — and, perhaps most important, direct most of it for living expenses at Wesley Manor in Louisville."

National Alzheimer’s Project Act |

"The National Alzheimer's Project Act (NAPA) creates an important opportunity to build upon and leverage HHS programs and other federal efforts to help change the trajectory of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD). The law calls for a National Plan for AD/ADRD with input from a public-private Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care and Services. The Advisory Council makes recommendations to HHS for priority actions to expand, coordinate, and condense programs in order to improve the health outcomes of people with AD/ADRD and reduce the financial burden of these conditions on those with the diseases, their families, and society."

Coffee could fight Lewy Body Disease | UPI

"Researchers from Rutgers University gave mice small amounts of both caffeine and EHT. Individually, each compound had no effect, but combined, they activated the portion of the rodents' brains that fights the build-up of proteins that cause Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementia."

Memory tests predict brain atrophy and Alzheimer’s disease | Eureka Alert

"The study conducted at the University of Helsinki and the University of California, found that the use of two memory tests assessing episodic memory made the diagnosing of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease more precise. Memory tests helped identify those individuals with an increased risk of receiving an Alzheimer's diagnosis within the next three years."

Future of Alzheimer’s therapy: What is the best approach? | Medical News Today

"A new review of clinical trials advises on the best way forward. A new review of clinical trials advises on the best way forward... But are researchers on the right track with their investigations, and what would be the best treatment approach? A new comprehensive review published in the journal Neurology, and available online, addresses these questions."