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Posts tagged as “AD Treatment”

Alzheimer’s Disease Reversed

Early events in the development of Alzheimer’s disease includes an abnormal buildup of beta-amyloid peptide which can form large plaques in the brain and cause disruptions in the function of neuronal synapses.
Drugs which inhibit beta-secretase are being developed as potential candidates in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease but beta-secretase controls several important processes by cleaving other proteins, these drugs could have serious side effects.
It was observed that these model mice developed normally and appeared to remain perfectly healthy as they grew over time.
Beta-secretase decreased activity also resulted in lower beta-amyloid peptide levels and reversed all other hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease including the activation of microglial cells and formation of abnormal neuronal processes without unwanted toxicity.
It is hopeful that future studies will help to develop strategies to minimize the synaptic impairments that were observed to arise from beta-secretase inhibition to achieve maximum optimal benefits for patients with Alzheimer’s disease.