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Posts published in “Awareness”

Communicating as Alzheimer’s and dementia progress | Columnia Tribune

"My grandfather is currently living with dementia and communicating with him has become challenging. When we’re helping him get ready for the day or prepare for a meal, we often give him visuals when he is having a difficult time telling us what he wants. Seeing items can help him recall things easier than trying to recall them by memory. Having patience and listening closely are also important in helping him maintain dignity while navigating the disease."

Alzheimer’s or Lewy Body Dementia? The Pain of Misdiagnosis | Being Patient

"In a recent survey, the Lewy Body Dementia Association found that 80 percent of participants with Lewy body dementia (LBD) were misdiagnosed and it took about three doctors to accurately diagnosis the condition. Michael Belleville, a patient advocate, was diagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer’s at 52 years old, but later learned he is living with Lewy body dementia. Now, he talks about how doctors can improve how they diagnose patients and how to live well with LBD."

How to care for yourself when you’re caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease | NBC News

"t doesn’t take a huge stretch of the mind to understand why caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease is challenging — especially when that someone is a loved one. It can be physically taxing work, particularly in later stages of the disease when the person needs more and more help with daily functioning. The disease progresses, so care strategies that may work one day may need to be re-written the next."