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My dad showed me love through deeds. Now that he has Alzheimer’s, it’s my turn.

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“My first car got 11 miles per gallon. It weighed two and a half tons. Cars like this inspired the expression “big as a Buick.” My friends and I called it, affectionately, The Lead Sled. I once parked The Lead Sled at a train station in East Chicago, Ind., and didn’t even bother locking it up. Who would steal The Lead Sled? But what thieves might not consider, vandals could not resist. Returning from the Loop way past witching hour, I found The Lead Sled void of all glass: windshields, windows, headlights, all smashed. Stunned, I phoned my dad. He asked no questions. He laid no blame. ‘I’m on my way,’ he said.”
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