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San Diego Alzheimer’s Day Care Center Recreates 1950s To Stimulate Brains

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Dozens of Alzheimer’s patients from all walks of life journeyed together down memory lane Wednesday at Glenner Town Square, a miniature village replicating the 1950s.
Tarde said the new adult day care center is working to help people trigger their long-term memories to improve their quality of life. Each day, trained caregivers guide small groups through a dozen colorful and interactive storefronts and stations.“They spend about 45 minutes at each store front receiving customized programming based on someone’s likes, interest levels, cognitive functioning,” he explained.
Each area is designed with 1950s artifacts — rotary dial phones, old fashioned typewriters, jukeboxes, newspapers from back in the day — they are all prompts for social engagement. The concept is called reminiscence therapy, Tarde said.
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