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Traumatic Brain Injury Associated With Increased Risk for Dementia

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Researchers in Denmark conducted a nationwide observational cohort study with 2.8 million adults at risk for dementia for a total follow-up period of 27.6 million person-years between 1999 and 2013, and found that traumatic brain injury (TBI) was associated with an increased risk for dementia compared with no history of TBI or with non-TBI trauma.The risk for dementia also increased with an increased number of TBIs; patients with ≥5 TBIs had a significantly higher risk (HR 2.83; 95% CI 2.14-3.75) than patients with 1 TBI (HR 1.22; 95% CI 1.19-1.25).Men with a history of TBI were at a slightly higher risk for dementia than women with the same history.
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